Where is Asbestos Found?


There are very few legal uses for asbestos in todays world. One of those is for the shielding on the space shuttle and another is in the insulation of the solid fuel boosters.

One use that most people dont think about is vehicle brakes. Its ideal in this application as it resists heat. Most of the other products containing asbestos are building materials. Such as:

Construction (commercial, residential)

If you own an older home and youre concerned its advisable to have your house inspected by a specialist.

Naturally occurring asbestos

Asbestos is a natural substance from metamorphic rocks and deposits of it can be found in most countries in the world. It is still mined today in the former Soviet Union, Canada (white asbestos), South Africa (brown asbestos), and Australia (blue asbestos).

Many countries, including the United States, have banned asbestos mining due to the extreme hazards.

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